欣赏|2021首届中国苏州工艺双年展 · 覃大立作品
来源: 中国工艺美术学会 时间:2021-12-11 浏览量:34

二. 作品展示
作品名称:《雄魂》The Spirit of Hero
作者姓名:覃大立Qin Dali、冯卓茹Feng Zhuoru
(1) 作品简介 Introduction
Works "The Spirit of Hero" eulogizes the Chinese nation under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China indomitable fearless revolutionary heroic spirit! There have been days of heavy disaster and fog in China. But since the Chinese communist party was born, she always stick to seeks happiness for the people's revolutionary faith, with the unique "male crecy 'masculinity, led the Chinese children, united shed their march forward courageously, overthrow the pressure on the Chinese people's" three mountains ", build up an independent socialist new China, Chinese people have stood up from now on! To live a happy and beautiful life of the people as masters of their own affairs.
Today the communist party of China is still in line with "the heroic spirit" spirit, constant self-improvement, to take on responsibilities, everything from set out actually, facing the world, the obstacles of reform and opening up, in order to improve the people's happy life as the goal, unwieldy, has to raise its behind a poor old China as one of the world's second largest economic power!
(2) 作品展示 Exhibition

2.《路径 · 捷径》
作品名称:《路径 · 捷径》Path & Shortcut
作者姓名:覃大立Qin Dali、刘丽芳 Liu Lifang
(1)作品简介 Introduction
作品《路径.捷径》应用传统竹编文化的结晶“六角针”编织,再融入本人原创的多曲面无龙骨成型法成型。在形式美充分表现竹编六角针特有的镂空透层美,塑造出一个既厚重又是虚幻的纠结情境。绵绵起伏的岩石,里面似乎隐藏着穿越捷径的通道,悬吊中的大岩石下面还摆放着一大块黑金钢镜面底座,反射着岩石底部,使得两个本来难得和谐之物变成“你中有我我中有你”,和睦相处,底座由五块版构成一个轮回的图型,似乎让人感受到九宫格的艺趣。鲁迅:“世上本没有路,走的人多了也就成了路” 哪怕前方路“风卷残骑裂甲,血染万里黄沙”,只要勇于坚持,就会走出一条属于自己的“捷径”之路。空有理论不去应用,必然只能走向教条主义、机会主义的之路。
The work "Path & Shortcut" is woven with "hexagonal needle", which is the crystallization of traditional bamboo weaving culture, and then integrated into my original multi-curved keel-less forming method. In the formal beauty of the full performance of bamboo hexagonal needle unique hollow through the layer of beauty, shaping a thick and illusory entangled situation. Continuous rolling rocks, seems to be hidden inside the passage across the shortcut suspension under the big rock is a large black diamond mirror base, reflecting the rock bottom, make two rare harmony things into "the sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you," live in harmony, the base is composed of five tablets a cyclic pattern, seems to let a person feel the art of scratchable latex. Lu Xun: "there is no way in the world, walk more people will become a road" even if the road ahead "wind roll residual riding crack armour, blood dyed thousands of miles of yellow sand", as long as the courage to insist, will walk out of a belongs to their own "shortcut" road. If there is no theory to apply, it will inevitably lead to dogmatism and opportunism.

作品名称:《五谷丰灯》The Light of Harvest Series
作者姓名:覃大立Qin Dali
(1)作品简介 Introduction
The works "Wugu Feng Deng" (only two of them in this exhibit) are influenced by the artistic concept of iconography, and the application of different materials and production methods as media is an important way to express ideas. On the basis of mining the traditional wooden leather basket modeling form, I in 2009 for the first time in the domestic basket wooden plane knitting stitch, improve the three-dimensional knitting stitch, create a new model of basket weaving art. When it was exhibited in Guangzhou Fair for the first time, it caused a great sensation. A large number of foreign businessmen placed orders for this kind of new craft products, which created huge new profits for the basket weaving industry and greatly promoted the recognition of the industry personnel on the new innovative thinking mode: "new technology → new mode → new art → new profit". The work hopes to use natural wood veneer materials and brand-new weaving language to create the sparkling seed shape of five images, which can bring us a natural beautiful and thriving happiness feeling in our living space!
(2)作品展示 Exhibition


广州美术学院建筑艺术设计学院 教授